Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Who's living next to you?

I heard a radio ad yesterday asking people to keep an eye on their neighbours and if there acting suspiciously then urging you to call the terrorist helpline. Of course theyre not allowed to say "if youre neighbour is an arab and acting suspiciously" they just said neighbours. Hell if thats the case then I should call them about my whole bloody street. The criteria of "suspicious" behavior applies to all of us at some point in our lives.

Then this morning on the news, I hear that the detainees at guantanamo bay arent being treated very well but neither the British or American government want to admit to it. I have one thing to say on this matter SO FUCKING WHAT! These are people, that through intelligence, are being detained coz their actions have lead authorities to believe that they are terrorists or they are friends or part of a group with terrorists in them. I don’t care if theyre not being treated well. I don’t care if theyre torturing puppies infront of them to get them to talk. These people are animals. They take lives, lives of ordinary people who are just trying to live theirs. Why should we be nice to them? Why should we treat them fairly? As far as Im concerned they have no civil rights so don’t tell me that they should have them when they are trying or planning to murder people on a mass scale.

When it comes to these people we should go back to the medieval way of thinking… the bloodlust that was rampant through the masses back then should apply now. We should hang them publicly in the streets. We should be allowed to throw rotten fruit and stones at them. We should cheer when we see the last drop of life leave their bodies. Am I being excessive? I think not. Im sure there are liberal bunnies out there who will oppose my views but I wont apologize for my feelings. I will say it again… they are animals!

My motto in life has always been live and let live but when someone puts a rucksack on their back with a bomb in it or hijacks a plane with plans to crash it in a building with the intention of killing thousands of people it becomes personal and tolerance for these people should never come into the equation. So before you come spouting your human rights bullshit at me think about the horror of 9/11 or 7/7 ( to name two) if you can still tell me that terrorists or members of a terrorist group should be treated as human beings then youre no better than they are!

Monday, 8 March 2010

Legalized Vampires

"I havent come here to be insulted by a legalized vampire" - Tony Hancock

Today Im going to give blood. This is something that Ive been planning to do for years but somehow, never got round to it. Im kinda embarrassed that I havent been to do it before when I couldve but hell, Im doing it now.

Blood donation in England is at an all time low and they need more donors than ever. I think we live in a generation of people who are either lazy or selfish. Everyone should be doing this (every one who can at least) It should be law that you have to give blood at least twice a year.

The blood donation wasnt the thing I was interested in as such but I would like to be a bone marrow donor but you cant do one without the other so here I am... a body full of good blood and raring to go.

Yeah it is a bit of a pain that I have to go to the next town over to give it but hell, its an hour out of my time every 4 months. What would I be doing with that hour if I wasnt giving some of the red stuff? On facebook, watching tv, reading? I think thats an hour I can definitely spare.

Ive always carried an organ donation card. My dad drilled it into me at a young age on how important it was to carry a card incase something happened. This again is something I think should be made law. Everyone should have to carry an organ donation card or be on the registry. They ask that you make sure your family knows of your wishes in the event of your death but again, I dont think it should be a decision your family can overide. I mean what the hell do you need your heart for, or your lungs or your eyes once youre dead?

I think everyone has a wish to be remembered after theyre gone. I dont think anyone likes the idea of not leaving some kind of legacy behind. We all want to know that we counted, that we mattered once we've shed this mortal coil. For me, at this moment in my life, this is my legacy and Im proud to leave it.

What will you leave behind?