Saturday 23 December 2017

Of course I'm an organ donor! Who wouldn't want a piece of this?!

I've been giving blood as long as I can remember (I have a rare blood type) although I haven't been since I had my gallbladder removed (note to self, stick that on the resolutions list) So I was really shocked when I received a letter, booklet and a consent form advising me that I was a possible match and was I interested in donating bone marrow? Considering the industry I work in, my schedule this time of year is always manic so I popped it on top of the piano and decided Id look at it again at the weekend. However, two days later I received a call. 

"We sent you a letter through about being a bone marrow donor and wondered if you'd had chance to have a read through it yet?" Talk about the hard sell! I had already decided that I would, I mean, I put my name on the register for a fucking reason right? So within a further two days I had two testing kits at my house and had been to the doctors to give blood which I then had to box back up and post to the lab" I hope Royal Mail didn't fucking lose them! Although the woman's face at the Post Office when she asked me what was in the packages was priceless as she began picking them up with only her finger tips. I mean what the fuck bitch?! I didn't just clumsily remove one of my organs with a dessert spoon, wrap it in cling film and decide to catch the last Christmas posting date!

So now I just have to wait for the results and find out if and what they want and how much. I'm kinda excited that I can do this actually. I mean hey! I'm not getting any younger and quite frankly, when it comes to body parts, it might just be slim pickings from here on out. I mean, they ain't gonna want my liver after what I plan to put away over this Christmas period. 

I do plan however, after I've partaken of the usual Christmas gluttony to eat a little more healthier and drop a few pounds. It is needed quite frankly but more than anything, if this all goes ahead, I want to give someone the best bone marrow I can. Yeah yeah, I know, It doesn't make that much of a difference but on the flip side, it will me help with my recovery time also and I often need fucking good reasons to motivate myself to do shit so this is my reason. Someone's got some first class bone marrow coming their way! 

I am also glad that I can actively do something. I had tried to donate my time on Christmas day this year to a charitable organisation or care home but apparently you can't do that without having a official check to make sure you're not a criminal or some kind of sexual deviant (well actually, we all know I am a huge sexual deviant but only in appropriate settings with an consenting adult) and of course, this comes with a handsome fee. Seems they're more than happy to take your cash, just not your time.

So donating body parts it is then! 

People's reactions have been mixed I have to say. One person actually asked me "why?" If that wasn't the stupidest fucking question ever asked since"Was the Lion King based on a true story?" (although, god bless the internet, I'm sure there are far stupider ones) My question is why not? Why aren't you a organ donor? Why don't you give blood? I mean how amazing is it that your body can make something which can save someone's life, which you can give to them with very little effort? Yes, there are a lot of reasons why some people aren't allowed to donate anything; health issues, risky sexual behavior... but if you're healthy and you can answer the 101 questions they ask you with the word "no" then whats stopping you?

"I'm afraid of needles" is a common response. Puhleeze!! I was afraid of needles for many years. I would scream and dart out of the building a quivering, snotty mess at the mere mention of needing a blood test or anesthetic for dental work. You know what I did, I grabbed the bull by the bollocks and went to give blood. I explained that I was petrified but my need to overcome the fear was massive. The nurses were amazing and sympathetic and it went very smoothly to the point now where I even watch (and Instagram) as they stick me with it. So don't come to me with that excuse and by the way, was it Benidorm you got that butterfly tattoo on your shoulder? 

"I don't have the time" is another one I've heard... how much time did you rack you this week watching Coronation Street and Eastenders? What do you think catch up TV is for?!

Next please! 

But hey, all insults aside the decision to do this is a personal one, but an important one to think about. Imagine how you would feel watching a loved one dying and not being able to do shit about it... knowing that there might be someone out there that could help them but they're not registered as a donor. Or if you're one of those people who only loves themselves, let me know how it feels to die a slow painful death because there isn't a match for you. 

Nuff said.