Like and share if... Most people wont copy... Type Amen if... Can one person repost if you care...
Well I hate to break it to you Carol, but no one actually gives a fuck!
You've seen them. WE'VE ALL FUCKING SEEN THEM! And they're done under the guise of hashtag awareness when they're essentially nothing more that the 80's chain letters that left us in constant fear that we would die within seven hours because we hadn't sent it on to seven people.
Don't get me wrong, I know that the people who post these more often than not have their hearts in the right place however most of them are just giant attention whores... "oh look at me, I'm so socially aware. I'm politically awakened and fighting for the injustice in the world". Are ya? Are you really? Or are you just sat behind your phone/keyboard 12 hours a day judging people or murmuring curse words under your breath because the popular bitch from high school who didn't speak to back you then who only added you as a friend to bump her numbers up and never likes anything you post just posted yet another montage of ski holiday pictures and you haven't been able to afford a holiday in 8 years and by extension continues the "hey look at how fabulous my life is" campaign which she so perfectly began 30 years ago. Hey, I don't sit in judgement. I have 4 or 5 people on there from school and constantly question why the fuck I accepted their friend request in the first place. One day I'll pull my finger out of my arse and remove them. I didn't like them in school, I certainly could't give a fuck about what they're doing now.
The fabulous life campaign is for the most part, on my Facebook at least, parents. "I'm so proud of my little boy, he pooped in the potty for the first time" which often accompanies a picture of little Bradley, looking proud as punch with a maniacal grin, stood next to his plastic Thomas the tank engine toilet displaying a giant turd within. Give that boy a gold star, he will go far in life (or maybe not now that the picture has been committed to the internet for all eternity. Please let this kid be President!)
1st day of school pictures, last day of school pictures, graduations from fucking KINDERGARTEN?? COME ON!!!!! When the fuck did that become a thing? Why are we constantly giving prizes for stupid shit? Would you give someone a gold chocolate medal because they managed to cross the road without getting hit by a bus? No! It amounts to the same thing in my eyes. Me managing to get through a work day without telling someone to fuck off and die should deserve an award surely? Oh no wait, that's called being able to keep my job and not end up homeless. MY BAD!
When I see these parents constantly posting praise for their kids achievements, it always makes me ask myself " did you actually say that to your kid first before telling the world or are you going to let them stumble across the post when they're scrolling down their timeline for kitten memes?" There is nothing wrong with being proud or your kids, your life, your new tattoo but I long for the days when I didn't have to see it all over my Facebook. God bless the "unfollow" option... giving people the illusion that you give a shit about what they're posting, without having to actually give a shit.
"Behold the field in which I grow my fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it and thou shalt see that it is barren" That's what the internet needs, More memes!
I love the meme that circulates every now and again "I'm so glad the internet didn't exist when I was a kid. I did loads of stupid stuff and there's no record of it anywhere". So fucking true. I thank my lucky stars regularly but on the flip side, how much easier would homework have been? Having to traipse down to the library in all weathers was a pain in the arse. Kids just don't know that they're born these days (get off my lawn!)
So yes, you little keyboard activists. You're aware. Praise be! But do you ever wonder exactly what you are achieving? Are you really equipped to deal with someones depressive episodes when they turn up on your doorstep after you posted a status saying "my door is always open and the kettle is always on"? As someone who has helped two close friends through very dark times, a cup of tea and a chat ain't gonna fix shit. If anything, it trivializes the seriousness of depression and suicide in my humble opinion. If you are truly worried about someone then them message them, call them, visit them. Get them the information they need to seek professional help... don't post bullshit on the internet and pat yourself on the back because you've saved a life. You've done nothing.
Typing "Amen" under a picture of a terminally ill child will not heal them. If you feel so strongly about children dying of horrific and cruel diseases then donate some of your hard earned cash to the charities who try to cure said diseases. I'm glad it helps you sleep at night because you typed a 4 letter, one syllable word under a picture on the internet.
Sharing a post proclaiming you hate Cancer... what do you think will happen from that? Cancer isn't gonna cry like a little bitch and leave the world forever. It's not going to text it's friend that the whole world hates it and weep uncontrollably in front of a rom-com with a tub of Ben and Jerry's and never kill anyone ever again.
Why can people not see how ridiculous this is and that at the very least that it is emotional blackmail?! I have a heart but I refuse to re-post this crap. Does that make me a bad person? In my opinion it just solidifies that I'm not a sheep. I have always done what I can to help others, more recently I've stepped it up with paying it forward. I could list them so you can sit there reading this and say to yourself "oh wow, what a good person she is" but I'm not going to because your opinion of me does not matter. I don't do the things I do for praise or thanks. I do it because I like helping people and because it needs to be done.
If you really need the validation in your life that comes from the world seeing that you're fucking Mother Teresa incarnate then post links to actually charities, websites, phone numbers so people can get support with the horrific things afflicting their lives. Or better still, get out there and raise money for organisations that can help people with the shitty stuff that life likes to ass fuck us with.
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